The South Carolina Aeronautics Commission (SCAC) staff provides the administrative and operational support to carry out the Mission of the Commission. The staff is organized into three distinct sections: Administration, Airport Development, and Flight. By State government standards, it is a small organization, but it has Statewide geographic responsibilities which require frequent travel and visits to the field as well as detailed coordination with Airport Sponsors. It also provides a multitude of direct support services to the numerous public use airports of our State as well as the Executive and Legislative Branches of the State Government. Finally, it also serves as a liaison with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and with Airport Sponsors.

Administration Staff
The Administrative Staff includes the Executive Director and Agency Administrative and Finance support staff. The Administrative Department provides centralized support for the Aeronautics Commission, the Executive Director, and other members of the Staff. This includes correspondence and central files, human resources, revenue forecasts, budgeting, procurement, grant administration, and preparation of meeting agendas and meeting minutes.

Airport Development Staff
The Airport Development Staff provides the State’s public use Airport Sponsors with a multitude of services to improve the safety and efficiency of the Statewide System. Some of these include:
Administration and management of State Airport Development Grants
State Airport Safety Data Inspections for non-Part 139 Airports
Airport System planning and studies
Maintenance of State-owned AWOS Facilities
Maintenance and annual publication of the State Airport Directory and Pilot's Guide and Aeronautical Chart
Technical assistance with Airport planning, development, and operations
Aerial photography, GIS mapping databases, and UAS deployment
Limited engineering design and construction inspection services