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Earmarked Appropriations

South Carolina earmarked appropriations refer to funds that are specifically designated by the South Carolina General Assembly for particular purposes, programs, or organizations in the state budget. These appropriations often pass through various state agencies, and are then disbursed to the intended recipients.

State agencies are required to collect and report information on these earmarked appropriations to ensure transparency, and recipients must often submit detailed plans outlining how the funds will be spent and the public benefits they will provide.

Some examples of organizations that may receive earmarked appropriations in South Carolina include Airports, nonprofit agencies, state museums, and other entities providing public services or benefits.

Executive Order 2022-19

Fiscal Year 2023 (FY-23)

Hilton Head Island Airport (HXD) / Airport Extension (Terminal Expansion) / $12,000,000

Fiscal Year 2024 (FY-24)

Hilton Head Island Airport (HXD) / Airport Extension (Terminal Expansion) / $750,000

Beaufort County / Mandatory Relocation (St James Baptist Church) / $750,000

  • Cost Summary
  • Application / Spending Plan
  • Offer
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Miscellaneous

Fiscal Year 2025 (FY-25)

Beaufort County / Relocation of St James Baptist Church / $4,000,000

  • Cost Summary
  • Application / Spending Plan
  • Offer
  • Quarterly Reports
  • Miscellaneous